The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The Council Speaks!

The Council of Watchers has once again chosen the best of the best of the past week's blogs in its traditional great and mysterious ways. As the rookie on the Council, I once again forgot the procedure for voting, and managed to only entering half of the votes to which I am duty-bound to submit. For this, I am truly sorry, and hope that the Council will punish me with something less severe than spending an hour with Islamic Rage Boy.

Anyway, the Council's wisdom still reigns supreme, and thusly, it is my pleasure to announce that the two most excellent blog posts of the week are:

Mere Rhetoric's NYT: “Angry Israeli Commandos” Turned “Ship Of Protesters Into Bloodbath”, and

The Elder of Ziyon's Gaza: The “staggering quality of the very ordinary”.

The first being a member of said Council; the second being the esteemed covert ruler of the world.

So it was written, so it was done! For more information about this week's selection, please don't hesitate to read the Council's proceedings.


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