The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The Council Rules!

As the newest member of the shadowy group known as the Council of Watchers, it was truly amazing to see the process by which the greatest blog posts on the entire Internet were divined. Needless to say, aside from all of the mysterious parts I'm not allowed to reveal (which are by no means listed in the official Rules of the Council, ye naves!), one comes away with an understanding that this is a time-honored and sacred rite which benefits the world in ways that will some day be revealed by historians in a time long from now.

Or something. Mostly, I'm trying to fill in some text to go along with the clip art I selected for this post, selected totally and completely at random.

Wink wink.

Anyway, the Council decided that the two most important blog posts on the entire Internet for the past week were:

Joshuapundit's Helen Thomas, Jew Hatred And Its Polite Acceptance

and Walter Russel Mead's Goo-Goo Genocidaires: The Blood Is Dripping From Their Hands.

The first being a member of said Council, and the second, an esteemed commoner.

So it was written, so it was done—All hail the wisdom of the Council!

(If you're interested in seeing the blog posts that were considered for this week, the Council's records for this session are over here.)

PS: It is true that I nominated the Elder of Ziyon's most excellent post from last week—He's one of the most astute pro-Israel bloggers on the Internet, whose work deserves every bit of the attention that it can get. Keep up the excellent work, ye wise Elder!


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