The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

On the Council!

I'm honored to note that I've been selected to sit on the Council of Watchers, a shadowy network of Zionist bloggers whose sole intent is to silently take over the world, one blog at a time.

Or at least, that's what the glossy brochure I got in the mail said.

Between that and the nifty James Bond gadgets we all get to wear, this looks like it's going to be a blast!

Anyway, I'd like to thank the members of the Council for entrusting me with the secret handshake. I promise that I'll do my best to do my duty... not to be the shortest lived member in the history of your esteemed group!



#1 donkeyrock 08-Jun-2010

You told people there's a secret handshake... you gotta go.

#2 Debbie 08-Jun-2010

Welcome.  We're a motly crew, sort of like a family.  We discuss, agree, disagree, debate, comfort in times of need.


Mostly we love reading great articles and search the web each week for special non-council contributions. 


Glad to have you on board.

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