The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Shocka: Special-Purpose Tax Spent On Other Crap

Wow, who saw that coming?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Fourteen states and the District of Columbia raised cigarette taxes in 2009, but none of the new money went to programs to cut smoking and prevent tobacco-related disease, U.S. health officials said on Thursday.

Higher cigarette taxes can substantially curb smoking but states can make an even bigger dent by investing the new funds in programs to help people quit, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

"None of the 15 states dedicated any of the new excise tax revenue by statute to tobacco control," lead author Karen Debrot of the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health wrote.

Brian's Rule #1 remains the same: Never ever EVER trust a politician with money, EVER!

Be sure to keep this article handy as a reminder for the next idiot that tells you his special-purpose tax is doing something good for our children.


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