The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

John Kerry is an Absolute Idiot

Not sure which is the losing horse in this particular race.

I know this comes as no surprise to most of you Snapped Shot regulars, but it really is worth reiterating once more. From our bestest buddies at the Associated Press:

Kerry says Syria is committed to Mideast peace

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -- U.S. Senator John Kerry said on Thursday during a visit to Damascus that Syria is committed to engaging in peace making and is essential to the Mideast process.


"Syria is an essential player in bringing peace and stability to the region," Kerry said.

Really, John?

An essential player... bringing PEACE and STABILITY?

You know, if you took a look at who Bashar your Butt Buddy has been hanging out with, I'd venture to say that statement is a complete fantasy:

But hey, when the heck has reality EVER affected the thought-processes of idiots like John F'n Kerry, anyway?

Welcome to the new world powers, empowered and enabled by the anti-American Left.

 Tags: john f-ing kerry #DailyFodder


#1 captainfish 01-Apr-2010

Nice loafers there guys.  Spend thousands on suits and then buy $20 loafers?


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