The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Muslims Demand Segregated Burial in Switzerland

Celebrate Diversity!

Muslims want Islamic cemeteries in every canton

An umbrella group for Swiss Muslims says they should be able to be buried “with dignity” and is therefore calling for Islamic cemeteries in every Swiss canton.

Farhad Afshar, president of the Coordination of Islamic Organisations in Switzerland, told the Sunday newspaper Sonntag he was preparing a legal case concerning freedom of religion.

He said that following the Bernese commune of Köniz’s recent rejection of a separate burial ground for Muslims, a legal ruling was necessary so that “the next time someone says no [to an Islamic cemetery] they are violating freedom of religion”.

Islamic law says Muslims should not be buried with those of a different faith – something already possible in some Swiss cities, for example Zurich, Bern, Basel and Geneva.

The Muslim community in Switzerland accounts for about 4.5 per cent of the population. Most Muslim immigrants came from the former Yugoslavia and Turkey. The community includes up to 100 nationalities.

Far be it from me to point out that by demanding such national changes, Afshar ignores the Federal nature of the Swiss government completely. Which, of course, is a complete affront to Switzerland's culture and history.

Illustrating once again that "Diversity" is a one-way street.



#1 DMartyr 16-Mar-2010

I don't see a problem.

As an Infidel, I'm not sure I'd want a pedophile-worshipper buried next to me for all eternity.


#2 captainfish 16-Mar-2010

I wonder what the outrage would have been had a christian organization had announced that they didn't want to be buried next to ... muslims??

#3 Anonymous 17-Mar-2010
huh? if they want an Islamic cemetery in every canton, why can't they buy the property and set up their own burial grounds? Why the lawsuits? Something doesn't smell right here.
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