The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

From the Department of Repetition Department

A scientific* study of how broken our press is.

With thanks to Frank J., who was kind enough to take some time out of his busy hippie-punching schedule to share this interesting little nugget of joy with us.

(* Not really.)



#1 Donkeyrock 12-Mar-2010

Hey captainfish, who's this Ledbetter guy who has been posting on your blog all of a sudden? :>

#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 12-Mar-2010

LOL! I think I know someone who knows....

#3 captainfish 12-Mar-2010

hehehehe.  Yeah, he's my old junior high friend.  He's had a rough life and needed a place to vent else his depression sets in again.  I allow him on here every so often so he doesn't go postal in Virginia.

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