The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

A Donkey Named Moammar

Free ridin'.

I must admit, this photo serves as quite an analogy of the whole situation in Libya. The only question that remains is, now that the fighting is almost over, who is really the donkey here?

Sure, we could take the easy route and point out that it's Qaddafi, which would be easy given that the natives call him Moammar -- but what if the donkey is really us?

After all, we've been involved in Libya (with boots on the ground, if recent intel is to be believed) since March, a full 6 months of operations that have been conducted without the Constitutionally-mandated approval of our Congress. Add to that the fact that Obama himself has decried "ill-conceived" war on countless occasions, and the fact that the Libyan rebels seem to be actively courting Al Qaeda, and our candidacy for the Donkey's spot is certainly quite solid.

Anyway, I said from the beginning of this whole thing that I would absolutely not criticize our involvement in Libya, so I won't go so far to say that what we've done is wrong. I fully support our troops' efforts, no matter what shape they may take -- and I'm still fully committed to the cause of ending dictatorship.

I just hope that this particular snake doesn't rise up and bite this donkey on the forehead.

REFILE - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION An anti-Gaddafi fighter gestures as he rides a donkey painted with the Arabic word for "Muammar" along the frontline 1 km north of the besieged city of Bani Walid September 13, 2011. Seen in the background is a defaced picture of Muammar Gaddafi. REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra (LIBYA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY CONFLICT)

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