The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


This is not it.

To suggest that a protest consisting of four people, trying to protect a prisoner's book-deal income (which, per Australian law, is not his), is an event worthy of massive news coverage is downright hilarious. But hey, it's not like the press doesn't have a history of going out of their way to cover events that just happen to align perfectly with their hard-left worldview.

Supporters of former Guantanamo Bay inmate Australian David Hicks protest outside the Supreme Court in Sydney August 3, 2011. In a case before the court on Wednesday prosecutors are trying to seize profits from Hicks' book "Guantanamo-My Journey", which has reportedly sold 30,000 copies. The action against Hicks, who was captured in Afghanistan in late 2001 and the only inmate at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay military prison convicted of terrorism offences, has been taken under the Proceeds of Crime Act. REUTERS/Tim Wimborne (AUSTRALIA)

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