The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Happy Birthday to Us!


5 years ago today, the biggest waste of time on the Internet got its start! To celebrate, here's a photo of a delicious burger cake, put together by TLB Cakes, a bunch of kind folks that seem to have a cake for every occasion!

Many thanks to all y'all for putting up with this dreck for so long. :)



#1 rooster 10-Aug-2011

Meat curtains.

#2 rooster 10-Aug-2011

Oh and happy birthday old friend. Why didn't you tell me?  BTW did you eat that cake or just find the picture on Google?

#3 Brian C. Ledbetter 10-Aug-2011

ROOSTER!!! Long time no see, old buddy! Hope everything's been going well over there in France, you hen you! ;)

I keed, I keed!

The answer to the question which you seek is (b).

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