The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


These guys REALLY like it.

I'll go out on a limb and say that if North Carolina's tobacco farmers had dressed up like this, our own smoking laws might have died in committee.

My hat's off to AFP and AP stringers Adek Berry and Dita Alangkara for bringing the hilarity of this protest to our eyes.

Indonesian tobacco farmers and cloves hold a protest against a new regulation plan about cigarette from the Health Ministry in Jakarta on July 13, 2011. According to the World Health Organisation, smoking rates have risen six-fold in Indonesia over the last 40 years. Smoking kills at least 400,000 people every year and another 25,000 die from passive smoking. AFP PHOTO / ADEK BERRY (Photo credit should read ADEK BERRY/AFP/Getty Images)

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 Tags: AFP AP adek berry dita alangkara #YourProtestStinks

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