The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

California is #Winning!

Economic outlook.

Does this blog enjoy picking on California?

Why yes, yes it does:

Calif. Business Departures Increasing -- Now Five Times Higher Than In 2009

Today, California is experiencing the fastest rate of disinvestment events based on public domain information, closure notices to the state, and information from affected employees in the three years since a specialized tracking system was put into place.

Out-of-state economic development officials are traveling through the state to alert frustrated business owners and corporate executives to their friendlier business climate versus California's hostility toward commercial enterprises.

Gee, who would've thought that creating an all-powerful state legislature, elected democratically by the people who receive free stuff from the government year after year, and controlled completely by an insanely anti-business cadre of know-nothing dolts could've possibly turned out so poorly?

(h/t Babalu, who has unique insight into what California is going to look like in about 10 years...)


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