Your tax dollars at work!
I wasn't going to post this, but since Bookworm noticed NASA sending out a similarly draconian sounding "celebration," I figure it's probably worth your attention.
Here's how Customs and Border Protection, an agency charged with bringing about greater social justice via... Well, actually they pretty much handle the border, which last I checked was a line on a map. So I'm not exactly sure at all where this fits into their mandate, but now that I see NASA doing it too, I think we can all pretty much guess where all of this bullcrap is coming from.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) acknowledges Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month and the theme, “Pride Around the World,” as many people celebrate a very important part of themselves. CBP strives to maintain a workplace that reflects our commitment to diversity and inclusion, which contributes to the success of our agency. Thus, we observe LGBT Pride Month and recognize the progress our nation has made in creating a society that is more inclusive and accepting of the LGBT community and where fear and prejudice are increasingly replaced with understanding and tolerance.
Four decades ago, the struggle for equal rights based on sexual orientation gained notoriety in June, 1969, when a popular New York City gay bar, the Stonewall Inn, was raided by police. Protests that sparked as a result of the raid are credited with initiating the gay liberation movement.
Today, while members of the LGBT community still face discrimination and inequality in various areas, President Barack Obama took actions to extend federal benefits for same sex couples. Indeed, members of the LGBT community have contributed to America’s great accomplishments and have helped to influence a fundamental awareness that our Nation draws its strength from our diversity.
During the month of June, there will be observances and events at various CBP locations designed to promote awareness and appreciation of LGBT Pride Month. I encourage all CBP employees to attend and participate in the events and activities in your local areas. To locate events and activities in your local area, please take a moment and visit the Gallery of Events on the Office of Diversity and Civil Rights (DCR) website on [redacted] for programs in your geographic location. If you have program questions, please feel free to contact your local DCR Officer.
Franklin C. Jones
Executive Director
Office of Diversity and Civil Rights
PS: Gotta love how quick they are to trot out the Stonewall myth. Who would've guessed that putting partisan lobbyists in charge of our Federal government would lead to, shock upon shocks, partisan lobbying!
Exit question: Since when do the United States borders extend to "around the world?"
If nothing else, this should help introduce you to the globalist -- which inherently means anti-American -- mindset of the people we have allowed to infest our government at every level.