The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Sense of Humor


Yeah, I'm probably wrong, but judging by the composition of this particular photo, I'm guessing that someone at AFP isn't buying this particular line of BS.

US President Barack Obama leaves after speaking on the economy following a tour of Cree, Inc, a manufacturer of energy efficient LED lighting and a meeting with President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, in Durham, North Carolina, June 13, 2011. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

[ Daylife Link ]

PS: What kind of self-important idiot comes up with the name "JOBS COUNCIL: PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL ON JOBS AND COMPETITIVENESS" without understanding exactly how stupid that sounds?

Oh yeah, I forgot. Haaaahvard.

They're all Gosh-Darn Smart 'n Stuff. (And yeah, I need to go take a shower after pasting a link from that website... )

PPS: I think this Reuters shot is a pretty nifty illustration of Obama's Job-Creating Success, too. Of course, the fact that it connects him visually with a man who runs a company that evaded 100% of its United States tax responsibilities is icing on the cake, as they say.

 Tags: AFP saul loeb #NewsInFocus

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