The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Situation Normal

My apologies for the down time towards the end of last week, we had a bit of a crazy spell. Our refrigerator went out, and we ended up spending most of our week at Sears picking out a new one, and then waiting for them to deliver and install it. (Both the sales and installation process went great, which is why we always trust Sears!)

On top of that, we had to get our roof cleaned under the watchful eye of our local HOA, so I was tied up working on that as well. If any of you that are local to Northern Virginia need your roof cleaned, I strongly recommend calling the good folks at American-ProTech! They did a great job, without even having to physically touch the roof even once!

And with all of that, naturally, comes a busy couple of documentation weeks at work.

When it rains, it pours 'n all.

So I know I've missed out on a bunch of interesting stories over the duration, but hopefully now that things have slowed down a bit, I'll do a better job of keeping up.

So to get things started, here's Friday's Council of Watchers results, which I unfortunately neglected to post on Friday.


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