The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Nice Sunglasses

Bashar's "special" friends.

To think that a geeky pencil-pushing type, dressed in dollar sunglasses and a cheesy camo shirt can somehow generate this level of loyalty is... Encouraging, to say the least.

Which means that my chances of actually running a dictatorship at some point in the future are actually greater than zero!

Dare to dream...

Syrians living in Lebanon with their families, carry posters of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad during a pro-government protest, while an anti-government protest takes place a few metres away at the same time in Beirut May 23, 2011. REUTERS/ Jamal Saidi (LEBANON) 

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 Tags: REUTERS jamal saidi AP hussein malla #Dictatorship

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