The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Well-Balanced Women

Guess who?

Yep, that's the awesomely-crazy ladies of FEMEN again, as if anyone was surprised. On today's zany docket, a hilariously-autotranslated disruption of the world-renowned opening of Europe Days—Wait, what?

FEMEN disrupted the opening ceremony of the Europe Days in Ukraine. Two topless women activists broke through a cordon FEMEN, in front of the mayor of Kiev Alexander Popov and European ambassadors unfurled a banner "Days before the a**, take it to Europe." This action the women's movement FEMEN opposed substituting real steps towards European integration of Ukraine fairgrounds show. It is worth noting that Ukraine has long been abolished visa to enter Ukraine. At the same time, citizens of Ukraine should be a humiliating way to collect a lot of documents for travel to Europe. FEMEN calls on EU officials to reciprocate to meet Ukraine, recognizing its European state with all the attendant legal consequences. Ukraine-European power, in the first place we need a European policy rate, gender equality, quality of life, and least in the European fairs.Two activists FEMEN Valentine Chobotko and Eve Litvak involved in the action, not as Europeans have been detained by police, which paralyzed the European journalists present at the action.

I am as amused as always in pointing out that this "feminist" group will go out of its way to find every obscure reason to take off all of their clothes, thus objectifying themselves in the very Playboyesque manner that they purport to protest.

One almost suspects that they're in this more for the attention than for any other reason, but then again, one happens to be a rather hefty cynic at this point in life. C'est la vie!

I'd link you to the article, but only after reminding you that (a) it's definitely NSFW, and (b) there are some things in life that can never be unseen. Although I will say that seeing clowns rounded up into police cars does kinda make up for it, though.

For those of you who are cubebound in your daytime life, as I am, please find the following token of my appeasement, which will hopefully prevent you from wandering afoul of any corporate internet policies.

Back to clown college with this one.

PPS: There are plenty of other things at FEMEN's site that cannot ever be unseen, but are amusing in their own right. If you're NOT cubebound, and are NOT faint of heart, I highly recommend it.

 Tags: FEMEN #YourProtestStinks

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