Wow, this is an interesting one—Did you know that the Federal Reserve owns a shopping mall?
Me neither, but apparently, it's true. And the story surrounding how we got to this point makes for a really fascinating read. I won't spoil it for you, other than this amusing side note:
Noah Diggs, who had just successfully concluded a search for work here as a shop assistant, was surprised and somewhat alarmed to learn the U.S. central bank now owned the property.
"That is a bad thing, right?" he said, surveying the empty parking lot on a rainy morning in early October.
Could be, Noah. Could be.
Incidentally, this isn't an isolated problem. We've got a handful of nearly-dead malls here in our area, too, and down in Florida, and all over.
I personally blame Amazon, myself, but I'm biased. Which is exactly why I sit here writing all this stuff, you know.