The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Sad Mac Morning Blues

My "Macintosh" decided to buck the kicket last night, so I've kinda blown the morning getting it reinstalled and working again.

So far, I don't seem to have missed all that much in the 1000+ articles that Google Reader says are waiting for me. Dan Riehl has some interesting stuff about John Ziegler. The new and improved Gateway Pundit points out another case of extreme leftist intolerance. Bob Owens talks about the brand-spanking new ACORN video. And Robert Stacy McCain is as awesome today as he always is. (Oof! That shameless plug didn't sound too obvious, did it?)

Otherwise, all's quiet over this way. Other than having a semi-partly-working "Macintosh" sitting on my desk.

If you scoundrels know something that I don't, best be posting it down in the comments section. We wouldn't want me to be out of the loop or anything...


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