The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Muhammed Muheisen Turns To Advertising

Fess up, my friend—How much did the New York Times pay you to put together this composition?

An Israeli army officer, watches Palestinian stones-thrower during clashes at the Kalandia checkpoint between the West Bank city of Ramallah and Jerusalem, Friday, Oct. 16, 2009. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)


 Tags: AP muhammed muheisen #DailyFodder


#1 captainfish 17-Oct-2009

Ummm.  He is?  The Israeli soldier is doign what?  Looks to me that he is just standing by a wall.  I could even grant you that he might even be guarding that wall from spray-painters. 

But, "watching STONES-thrower"?  Yeah, how about seeing a context.

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