Well, given that he refuses to believe a single word that Glenn Beck utters, that's the most logical conclusion we can draw from this video, anyway.
[video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiBDpL2dExY]
But hey, with all of these White House advisors openly honoring brutal Communist murderers, there can only be one logical explanation for we right-wingers' discontent:
(Thanks to Ace the Flaming Skull Flinging Racist for the YouTube pointer, by the way. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard this on Beck via the mystical right-wing power of XM earlier today.)
Update: Just as I expected, Charles completely missed Glenn's point in a fit of Beck Derangement Syndrome-induced rage. I guess no amount of brutal thug worship in The Annointed One's White House is worthy of The Internet's Only Nazi Czar's condemnation.