The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The Obama White House is Stupid, Stupid, Stupid

Stupid: If you don't trust pilots with guns, why do you trust them with 485 ton aircraft? And besides that, why is the most "open and honest" Presidency and Congress in the history of this country making such dramatic changes in the dead quiet of night?

Stupid: Using an avowed Leftist group which has broken election laws in 11 states to "assist" with the Census is perhaps the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Of course, the White House has, no doubt, some ulterior motives for making such an unusual policy decision.

Stupid: Administration officials really ought to refrain from secretly coordinating their policies with shadowy left-wing groups. There is a reason that the Brookings Institution exists, after all.

What can I say? Barack Obama is what he is.

His Royal Highness.


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