The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Ripping Off the Rip-Off

Man, you leave the computer for five minutes, and you miss all of the exciting news!

Apparently, Shepard Fairey, whom is currently in legal maneuver with my longtime "friends" at the Associated Press, has accused another artist of ripping off his work.

Fortunately for all of us, my lawyerly friends were right on top of this story. Since I don't actually have any knowledge to add to this story (unless one counts hot air and bluster as "knowledge"), I'll defer to Ye Kind Gents for the details:

Peter "Super Lawyer" Friedman says, in a nutshell, that it appears to be sufficient Parody.

Ron "Internet Superhero" Coleman adds his own avant-garde Oy vey—Which, near as I can tell, is not a Trademarked expression.

And I do nothing more than toss out once again that Fairey isn't exactly known for creating original artwork.

Please do be sure to click over and read what these fellows have to say. The murkiness of modern Copyright law really does have to be seen in action in order for one to gain a full appreciation for life.



#1 Kevin 09-Mar-2009
I'm not a lawyer, but I [b]am[/b] quite opinionated. I'm going to say that what the AP did here was commit high treason, possibly on the open seas, which brings maritime laws into the mix. And since they are the 'associated' press, RICO laws might apply as well. 'Associated' and 'conspiracy are pretty much the same thing. It's all pretty complicated from a legal perspective.

Let me consult my law books, which I'll have to buy first, and then skim them a little. I'll get back to you.
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