The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Two Americas

John Hinderacker just pointed out a very interesting statistic. Speaking about the Obama Administration's latest plan to blow through $3.6 trillion dollars as quickly as possible:

Government employees, by a 57% to 32% margin, have a favorable opinion of the budget. Those who work in the private sector hold a different view. Fifty-two percent (52%) of private sector workers have an unfavorable opinion while 39% look upon the budget favorably.

Overall, 75% of voters are concerned that the new budget will lead to too much government spending.

We will soon be able to experience firsthand what living under a Soviet state feels like. I'm sure most Americans today would be quite surprised at who the "haves" were under that economy.

Then again, there's some old line about what happens to people who ignore history that the press is also not interested in mentioning.

What could possibly go wrong?


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