The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Friends, lists, and Friends on lists

My congratulations to all of my blogging friends who made the Jewish Press' list of recommended websites!

Jules Crittenden (
Smooth Stone ( [Ed.:—or]
Soccer Dad (
Brain Terminal (
Boker Tov, Boulder! (
Little Green Footballs (

For the record, I'm only a little bit jealous that we here at Snapped Shot didn't make the list. I don't feel too bad, though, since we appear to be in pretty decent company. The editors seem to have overlooked two of the greatest pro-Israel resources on the Internet:—My good friends Aussie Dave and the Elder of Ziyon.



#1 Aussie Dave 24-Feb-2009
Thanks mate.

It is more of an honor for me to be a FOSS (Friend of Snapped Shot) than to make some list of the Jewish Press.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 24-Feb-2009
Aww shucks, Dave! I'm the one that's lucky to be a FOAD, even though the acronym itself is somewhat unfortunate. ;)

Keep up the great work, man. You inspire me [i]daily[/i]!

#3 captainfish 25-Feb-2009
Well, Brian, being a FOAD is much better than being a FOADASS.

I think I need a wash now.
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