The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Compare and Contrast: Public Support... and Unicorns!

Back in the dark days of George W. Bush, we learned that Americans opposed the War in Iraq, usually repeated multiple times per newscast:

Poll: Iraq war could wound GOP at polls
POSTED: 9:45 a.m. EDT, September 25, 2006

(CNN) -- President Bush's unpopularity -- due largely to the war in Iraq -- seems likely to affect GOP candidates in congressional midterm elections in November, according to a CNN poll released Wednesday.


The war in Iraq appears to be a main factor in Republican opposition, poll results show. Fifty-eight percent of poll respondents said they are opposed to the war, compared with 39 percent who approve of it. (Watch why Republicans are on the ropes -- 2:47)

Nowadays, in the enlightened times of Barack "Change!" Obama, we see that Americans oppose the fiscal shopping spree plan for economic salvation by similar margins. Yet, somehow, the headlines are slightly different:

No Results

We did not find News results for "rasmussen poll stimulus package". We recommend that you try the following:

The actual poll results, which show that only 37 percent of the public supports the stimulus, can be found here.

I guess CNN is too busy deciding what news you don't need to hear to handle piddly little stories like this, huh?

As Jules Crittenden helpfully asksWill the first person to spot the phrase "President Obama's Deeply Unpopular Stimulus Package" please stand up?

The inestimable Don Surber has more.

Update: Corrected—Really. "Stimulas?" Don't tell me my eyesight is getting that bad. ;)



#1 captainfish 04-Feb-2009
Nah, it won't become "unpopular" until it gets to be BELOW 4% unpopular. That is because Bush got to around 4% in popularity (didn't he?). This must fall below what ever was the lowest point Bush fell to in order for it to make any sort of comparison to the leftstream media.

And I was sort of non-plussed until I saw that you were able to use the word "inestimable" in a sentence. Then I was floored.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 04-Feb-2009
Dearest captainfish,

This is indubitably the most erudite composition of a commentary nature that I have harkened upon in many a fortnight! I offer my sincerest thanks at this herculean effort on your part!

Your humble servant,
Brian ;) L.
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