The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

I Bet it Improves with Each Telling

It used to be that we, as a news-consuming public, listened intently to a skeptical press, all of whom repeatedly told us that they were eager to question propaganda and other "official" storylines before such manipulations corrupted mainstream thought.

Sadly, those times are long behind us, as the press seems more intent on inventing propaganda these days:

Mahmoud Ghabayen (L) and his brother Hassan re-enact their interrogation by an Israeli officer [Ed.:—In other words, they are "making stuff up" that is "not newsworthy in the least."] in front of members of the media in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip February 1, 2009. Mahmoud Ghabayen and his younger brother Hassan told the story of their interrogation by an Israeli officer during the Gaza war by re-enacting the scene for reporters. Mahmoud, 16, tied the hands of his 15-year-old brother behind his back, using wire found in the rubble of their uncle's damaged home in Beit Lahiya, a town where militants had fired rockets into Israel. Picture taken February 1, 2009. REUTERS/Ismail Zaydah (GAZA)

 Tags: ismael zaydah REUTERS #Intifada


#1 captainfish 03-Feb-2009
actually sounds like some circus workers were needing an audience.

either that some S&M types were seeking an audience as well.

Seems strange that he would willingly be tied up again with wire. Wouldn't that be too traumatic to relive? I mean, if it was so horrendous to begin with???
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