The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Hacks at Politico Insult 51.9 Percent of Massachusetts

It would seem that citizens voting in a manner not consistent with the Politico's flamingly-liberal beliefs earns a quite curious label:

Sour swing voters desert Democrats

BOSTON — It’s voters like Deborah Donahue that keep Democratic candidates and consultants up at night.

She’s from the suburbs, belongs to a union and is not registered with either political party.

“Next Tuesday we get to make a statement about where we want our state to go and our country to go,” Donahue said here last week as she stood outside a Martha Coakley event — holding a sign for Scott Brown’s campaign.

You know, if the partisan hacks at the Politico were a little bit smarter, they'd think twice about slurring the bloc of voters responsible for "pulling off one of the biggest upsets in Massachusetts history." (And that's the ultra-flaming-red-diapers-liberal Boston Globe speaking!)

Good thing they're not that smart, though, much like their liberal co-conspirators in the rest of the Dying Old Media. This can only mean that we'll continue to see sour-faced stories like this, which are almost guaranteed to continue working up voter rage until a sweet November, coming a mere 10 months from today.

May the conservative tide keep rolling on!



#1 captainfish 21-Jan-2010

Brian, you did know that this loss was all Pres Bush's fault, right?

He destroyed the country so that the Democrats couldn't implement their agenda fast enough.  And that angered the independents.  Independents felt there wasn't enough SocialMarxist policies being enacted.

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