The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Police Stupidity in Kashmir

In an update to our previous story about Greater Kashmir photographer Amaan Farooq, we learn some troubling details, courtesy GK. To summarize:

Amaan and his associates were on top of a building documenting the aftermath of a gun battle in downtown Srinagar, with police permission, when they were approached by an overly aggressive police officer. He demanded that they shut down their work and leave the area, an order which four of the journalists refused.

This apparently annoyed the idiot greatly, because he rushed towards them and physically attacked one of them with a Jersey Shore-style smack to the face. Seeing that, Amaan decided to take a picture of the officer, for reasons he didn't explain, but are probably along the lines of documenting things for his own insurance.

An act which proved to be providential. As the journalists walked away from the building, the officer rushed out behind them and fired his pistol, hitting Amaan in the leg. Stunned by this attack, the other journalists on the scene demanded to know why the officer did that, to which the moron denied it, turned tail, and ran.

They caught the whole incident on tape, and an investigation is forthcoming.

Hopefully, the idiot policeman that did this will be out of a job soon, and facing criminal charges. There is absolutely no excuse for shooting photographers in the leg.

[ Daylife links: Photo 1, Photo 2 ]


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