The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Hive Mind: Must See?

Stacy says it's better than Cats, but I find that hard to imagine....

Anyway, the premise behind the movie, which seems to be "Former evil conservative talk show radio host takes on world of muddle-headed mush-brained zombies," is one that I must admit I've never seen put in movie form before. Unless you count Charleton Heston, who is still my president, dang it:

Of course, the originality factor alone of this film alone would make it 9,000 times as original as all of the other dreck that comes from Hollywood, wouldn't it?

Ergo, get the movie. Kapisch? It'd make a heckuva great stocking stuffer.

Fantastic, I say.

  #DailyFodder #SnappedShots


#1 Rooster 14-Dec-2009

This is a waste of a post.

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