The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Merry Christmas, Y'all!

Sorry for the silence here as of late. It's been crazy dazy's over this way.

May your homes be filled with warmth
  ...And your stomachs full with food! 

God Bless!
-The Snapped Shot Team 



#1 William Teach 24-Dec-2009

Merry Christmas to you and all the other great authors here!

#2 captainfish 25-Dec-2009

Merry Christmas Brian and appreciated visitors.

Here is something to tie you over...

Oklahoma City recorded 14.1 inches of snow at Will Rogers World Airport on Thursday, the highest total in the state. KOCO meteorologist Rusty McCranie said it was the most snow ever seen on a December day in Oklahoma City.

It was also the greatest snowfall ever measured in a 24-hour period in Oklahoma City, breaking the old record of 11.3 inches of snow in 1924. Thursday's storm also produced the first white Christmas in Oklahoma City since 2002.

Dang Global Warming!!!

I want to thank GOD for my life, my blessings, my child and my gifts.  I thank Brian for letting me rant here from time to time and I thank you for taking time out of your lives to visit with us here on this ...


#3 bigfurhat 25-Dec-2009

Thank you, guys!

#4 bigfurhat 25-Dec-2009

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