Aside from the fact that children are once again being used as props in support of yet another leftist movement, this caption cracks me up:
Children release balloons attached to a poem calling for climate change during a demonstration in Sidon, southern Lebanon, December 8, 2009. The demonstration was held to mark the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. REUTERS/Raafat Naeem (LEBANON SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT CONFLICT)
"We hate the climate
yes we do
We want to kill it
this is true
But more than all
this we do:
Death to Israel
boo boo boo!"
(With apologies to Al Gore, Master Poet.)
Oops! Forgot to link to the photo. Guess that would help, wouldn't it...?
Update: John Hawkins of RWN, who is apparently no longer ignoring me (woo hoo!), is also waxing poetic today... though for slightly different reasons. The oft-repeated Manbearpig is, I'm sure, like a funeral dirge to Hot Al's poor little ears. Which must have Al the Poet saying something akin to:
"O the tale of woe
That awful tale of woe
Wherefore art thou, mine cup of Joe?"
Man. Enough of today, already. Some of us just aren't meant to do poetry.
Tags: REUTERS raafat naeem #DailyFodder