The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Down, But Not Out

It looks like our main Internet connection here at the office is still offline, leaving we employees to the mercy of the frame relay backup connection.

Which is unbearably slow.

Unfortunately, that puts a damper on how much I can get done here, as every pageload takes about a minute and a half.


Until I'm able to get up and running more swiftly, I'll do my best to mark interesting stories for you to read over in the fast lane. Feel free to use this thread right here to post followup comments to anything you feel like sharing, if you want.



#1 Kevin 08-Dec-2009

Heh.  I remember when frame relay was something to aspire to :).

#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 08-Dec-2009

No kidding! What is this, 1996 again? Does that mean "X-Files" is on TV still?

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