The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

It's a Double Honor!

Finally, an FMJRA award for little old us, since we're in shameless obedience to Rule #2!

Step one, be shameless. Step two, blog. Step three, ???. Step four, PROFIT!

RSM has also penned a hilarious outtake on the University of Alberta nutjo..... "researcher" from yesterday which you definitely must read. The closing had me in stitches, for sure!

Many thanks to my new bestest friend, Robert Stacy McCain.

Who is definitely not a racist.



#1 Mike 10-Dec-2009

Congrats to getting the FMJRA spot.

#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 10-Dec-2009

Haha, thanks, man! The Gunny'd be proud!

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