The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Mandy Manners Would Be So Proud

I don't think I can stretch this one out into a full "News in Focus" post right now, so I'll just be brief: None of these people really look like they want to be there, and all most likely for vastly different reasons.

One does wonder if it's customary for an American hostess to scowl so heavily at her own party, though.

First lady Michelle Obama (L) and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet A. Napolitano (R) listen to Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine General James Cartwright (C) speak in the East Room of the White House November 18, 2009 in Washington, DC. First lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden hosted women of the U.S. military for tea. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images)

Zoom it in for the full effect, by the way.

 Tags: GETTY brendan smialowski #DailyFodder


#1 captainfish 18-Nov-2009

She was actually hosting... A TEA PARTY?!??!


What will the feminist say?  There she is, in a nice dress and hosting a tea party.


#2 Phreak 19-Nov-2009

Hmmm.... looks like the Lesbionic Woman is maybe just doing some chocolate  pooty tang scouting...

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