The gratuitous, self-congratulatory German speech cemented Barack Obama as candidate for President Of The World in my mind last election, but this really takes the cake:
In the coming days, I’ll also be meeting with leaders abroad to discuss a strategy for growth that is both balanced and broadly shared. It's a strategy in which Asian and Pacific markets are open to our exports-and one in which prosperity around the world is no longer as dependent on American consumption and borrowing, but rather more on American innovation and products.
Of an Administration that has traded in nothing but idiotic naïveté over the past year, this mutton-headed statement stands above and beyond, at levels of Stupid I haven't seen in a generation.
What we see here is an American president who is operating under the moronic assumption that the only thing stopping the World from prospering is America herself.
Our overseas operations are, to him, illegitimate signs of trenchant colonialism that we should continue to apologize for; our Treasury notes, a newfangled form of slavery for which we cannot retreat quickly enough. And yet, woven throughout every single action taken by this White House so far, I see a constant and continuing pattern of apology that is utterly stunning coming from someone who claims to be the chief executive of the United States of America.
If Barack Obama wants to be named King of the World, let him resign and get elected as such in the United Nations. Seeing how that hasn't happened yet, and until it actually does happen, is it too damn much to ask that he actually try representing pro-American interests overseas for once?
(Be sure to read the whole text of his remarks, by the way. There's plenty of 10th Grade Liberalism to be found there, but I really don't have the energy to deal with anything more than the above.)
Update: Dan Riehl has some interesting thoughts about other areas of this speech. Better he than me!
what caught my eye was this statement:
that says that he does not want america spending money to buy things or borrowing money to buy things, which leads to economic activity all over the world. He wants America to be a producing economy, much like China with its McDonald's toys or Peru with its tourist-stand trinkets.
What this man, this 3rd Grade President, fails to realize is that America is one of the leaders in the world with regard to innovation and product creation. And this is due SOLEY to our free-market economic system. People buy our products that we create. This gives US money to buy stuff. If we did not have such a flourishing free-market system, we would not have the money to be a CONSUMER society.
Being a consumer society is just the flip of the coin from being a producing society. You can't have one without the other.
Mr Brilliance wants us to stop buying products. Nay, he wants us to stop being ABLE to buy products.
Doesn't ANYONE in this administration see that as a very bad idea? We are the leading reason why hundreds of other nations have economies. If it wasn't for us, China would not be the ecoomic powerhouse it is today. The same holds true for Mexico, Taiwan, S. Korea, Germany, etc, etc.
This is what happens when you elect a Senator. This is what happens when you elect a man who has never held a job. This is what happens when you elect a dedicated marxist socialist. This is what happens when you elect a democrat nowadays.