Drew M. breaks the news:
3:42 eastern: Killen, TX official on FNC says 3 shooters. 1 in custody, 1 surrounded by police and a third at large. Repeats 7 dead, 12 wounded.
Fort Hood covers a pretty big area, and it doesn't sound very clear exactly where this happened. Our prayers are with the victims!
Also covering: Cao's Blog, Hot Air, Confederate Yankee, Free Republic, Fairfax Underground, Wizbang, Atlas Shrugs, Jawa Report, Pat Dollard, iOWNTHEWORLD, Nice Deb, Suitably Flip, The Blogmocracy, LGF, Gateway Pundit, The New Editor, BLACKFIVE, Blonde Sagacity, Flopping Aces, Blogs of War.
News coverage: Fox, Washington Times, CNN, MSNBC, KTVT-TV.
Winds of Change provides an on-the-scene report. The blogosphere in action!
Allah is doing an amazing job of rounding up the latest. Otherwise, This Ain't Hell has three articles that you absolutely must read now: The shooter's Officer Record Brief, An Example Of Jumping To Conclusions, and Extreme Prejudice Against Our Military. By CNN, of course.
#1, this is a horrendous thread to linkwhore on. If you have anything to say about Fort Hood on your blog, post a link to that at the very least.
#2, you're already in the sidebar, Steve. Click on "Reading List" directly thatta way ---->
And #3, this seems to be the exact same text you used last time you dropped your name here. Amateur move, man. At least take the time to come up with something unique each time you do it. (Believe me, this advice is coming to you from an *expert* at linkwhoring. ;) )
Great Post! I really like your blog!!
ps. Link Exchange??