The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Solidarity Illustrated

As far as solidarity-improving stunts go, I think this ended up being a bit of a bust:

A policeman tries to rescue Russian base jumper Valery Rozov after his parachute got stuck in a nearby building during a 29 storey-high (116 m) base jump, in attempt to express his solidarity with Pakistan for fighting against the Islamist militancy, from a building in Pakistan's southern city of Karachi November 1, 2009. Rozov was forced to give up after his parachute got stuck in a nearby building due to strong winds, according to local media. REUTERS/Athar Hussain (PAKISTAN IMAGES OF THE DAY ODDLY)

On a positive note, it's the thought that counts, and poor Valery did have the right thought in mind.

 Tags: REUTERS athar hussain valery rozov #DailyFodder

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