The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

New Feature Tuesday: Snapped Shot Mobile Edition

I mentioned a while back that I'd be talking about some of the new features around here, but I just realized that I never got around to actually doing that. (Gee, that doesn't sound like me at all, does it?)

Guess it's about time I get around to starting with that, isn't it?

The first feature I'd like to introduce to you, which I coincidentally just got working today, is a little thing I like to call Snapped Shot Mobile. Here's how it works:

If you're browsing to this website from a handheld device—like a BlackBerry Storm, if you're like me—you've probably noticed that the new "Turbo" software doesn't work all that well in mobile mode. In fact, I even had a kind reader tell me that it doesn't play well with AOL, though I guess I wasn't really surprised by that.

It used to be that when I designed a site, I did my best to make it as "backwards compatible" with older (and less-capable mobile) web browsers as possible. But, in an effort to use this newest software to the fullest extent, I kinda bent the rules a little bit—and, of course, this is what you get when you bend the rules, Mr. Bad Web Designer.

Fortunately, this software allows us to run a mobile-optimized version of the site, which you'll now get if you browse here through a handheld device. (Or, if you prefer to use the low-bandwidth version of the site, via this URL right here!)

And thusly, our mobile-equipped users are now as happy as ever—I hope.

I hope this new feature makes the website even more enjoyable for all y'all. If you have any comments or thoughts about it, be sure to sound off down in the comments section, or via our handy-dandy Contact page. We always want to hear what you think!


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