Boy, howdy—I sure did go MIA today. Sorry about that!
Quickly, the biggest news items I saw today are:
* A double "Ha ha!" combination: CNN's ratings continue to implode, along with the entire newspaper industry. Gee, both groups are almost exclusively liberal. I wonder why in the world they're having such tough times?
* Another Democrat explains why Creigh Deeds is completely unelectable. To my Democratic-leaning friends here in Virginia:—Thank you very much for nominating a moron!
* Another "enlightened" columnist suggests we need to kill ourselves to stop the dastardly Global Warming. Waiting for Charles Johnson's rage in 3.... 2...
* Newt Gingrich is a defeatist hack. In other shocking news, reports suggest Sky is still Blue.
* Mega investigation of possibly-illegal activities perpetrated by North Carolinian Democrats. Which explains why the whole thing is being handled behind closed doors, of course.
And finally,
* Here's some further proof why "hate crime" is merely newspeak for "thought control." Not that England has ever really had "freedom of expression" or anything.
That's all for now, folks. Hopefully, I'll be a bit more punctual tomorrow!