The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

End of the Week, Y'all

I don't know about you, but I've hit a dead end pretty early this week. Looks like it's time to surf ye olde Friday Fun folder for a bit.



#1 DMartyr 08-Nov-2008
Lol, I guess there's no news since Obama was elected. All the world is good, they love us. Islamists no longer want to kill us. The bad guys are happy and not committing crimes anywhere... there's just nothing to report.
#2 captainfish 12-Nov-2008
Sing It With Me!

"I see you.
You see me.
We all stare to Infinity.
With a nod and a glance,
From me, to you, to me.
Won't you say nothing to me too?"
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