The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

An Italian View on the American Election

Presidential candidates Obama and McCain can't seem to figure out how to fix the U.S. economy. There is someone else who can, though:

Many thanks to Gianfalco for the humorous look at our current financial issues. Where's a financial Joe the Plumber when you need him?



#1 Rooster 21-Oct-2008
Nobody cares what Italy thinks.
#2 Cletus 21-Oct-2008
Nobody cares what Rooster has to say.
#3 gianfalco 22-Oct-2008
Thanks, Brian.
But in Italy we need plumbers, electricians for a strongn shock, and a psychiatrist too.
#4 Rooster 22-Oct-2008
Nobody cares about Italian plumbers, electricians, and psychiatrists.
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