Thanks for the link, Michelle!
(BTW for all of my fellow Malkin fans:—We've got a Photoshop contest going on that you just might be interested in. There's still much fun to be had!)
A political candidate's
personal e-mail is hacked and sent to my mortal enemy. They, in turn, are contacted by the U.S. Government, who is investigating what is essentially a Federal crime. To nobody's surprise, my mortal enemy decides not to cooperate.
is surprising is to see that the Associated Press doesn't think that it's a violation of Corporate Ethics to
use stolen evidence to promote a new "scandal":
The Secret Service contacted The Associated Press on Wednesday and asked for copies of the leaked e-mails, which circulated widely on the Internet. The AP did not comply. (Actually they were probably asking for WHO hacked and leaked the emails and where AP got them).
The disclosure [i.e., the STOLEN E-MAILS] Wednesday raises new questions about the propriety of the Palin administration's use of nongovernment e-mail accounts to conduct state business.
For the record, I would fully support it if the Secret Service felt it was necessary to completely shut down the AP's corporate headquarters until this case is investigated. The press, after all, is
not above the law.
(h/t captainfish, btw!)
Gateway Pundit, JammieWearingFool, Sweetness & Light, The American Pundit
This has nothing to do with Freedom of Press.
This was my last clinging straw with them. To take one side and refuse to cooperate with Secret Service, and then on the other to actively go after people in the emails and harass them with questions. And then claim that this is a news story.... BAH!! It is purely a concerted and pointed attack on a political candidate for the presidential administration.
But, once again, we hear hardly a whisper from the "republican attack machine". And, has Pres Bush said anything? You know Pres Clinton would be all over the airwaves wagging his finger.