The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

>>, anyone?

I've finally given in and turned previews (no relation) on here on Snapped Shot, as a number of you had requested a while ago. I was apparently missing the "last step" in the installation process here in Serendipity-land, and now that everything's in place, it seems to be working much more nicely now.

It's even better that Daylife is showing image previews through the preview service, too! Those weren't showing up before, which is why I didn't make this much of a priority up until now.

Let me know if this change makes the site load too slowly. If the added lag isn't worth the limited benefit of a thumbnailed preview, I'm more than happy to yank it back off.



#1 WhackaDhimmi 16-Sep-2008
Awesome! I've not seen much aside from Scrappleface.

#2 DMartyr 17-Sep-2008
Hate it!

Pop-ups are annoying enough. But now I have to deal with a little box popping up over the very text I'm reading (it does it for links, too, not just images)?

I know they can be disabled. But 1.) they don't always disable when you select the option, and 2.) many sites these days have those type pop-ups, but all seem independent. So each site must be disabled individually. It's like trying to get your email off a shared telemarketers list - you have to unsubscribe for each company and by the time you have contacted them, a dozen more now have your email.

#3 captainfish 18-Sep-2008
Sorry, forgot to comment. LOVE IT!

So, 2 against 1 so far. hehheee

DMartyr, always the martyr.
#4 DMartyr 19-Sep-2008
A cynical martyr at that!

#5 Mike A. 20-Sep-2008
Hate em...... I have a habit of reading fast over a page and follow around with my mouse a lot. I usually turn off javascript for the offending site so they will not be popping up over what I am reading....... Mike
#6 DMartyr 23-Sep-2008
Same here, Mike.

But after a few days of trying snap, I'm starting to like it. I can skim over the text without clicking the link. I can view a larger-than-thumbnail image preview.

Not too bad.
#7 captainfish 23-Sep-2008


Yeah, sometimes the popup gets annoying when you dont expect it, but it is sure nice to see an image or a URL preview before even clicking on it.

I like it because it kind of allows us to have the image in the post without actually having to post the image, and people don't have to click on the link and then wait for the new page to load, and then click back to get back to the post.
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