The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Two Charlie Gibsons

Thanks to a nice composition by quesney, we get a nice glimpse at the two faces of ABC's Charlie Gibson. I'm not going to post the whole list of questions here. Rather, in the interests of space, I will list one word describing the nature of each question in general. Hopefully, you'll get the picture.

First up, Charles Gibson of ABC, interviewing Barack Obama:

Feelings Grandmother Congratulations Racebaiting HILLARY HILLARY HILLARY Unifying HILLARY BILL Campaign Racebaiting Townhalls Iraq-Visit Public-Financing (ditto) (ditto) Puff HILLARY Puff Racebaiting Puff Thank-You

And now, the tone and directions that the immensely impartial anchor asked of Sarah Palin:

Experience Experience Hubris[Heh...] Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Holy-War EXACTWORDS Holy-War Holy-War Georgia/Russia (ditto) (ditto) NATO NATO WAR INVADE Iran/Israel Iran/Nukes (ditto) Sanctions Iran/Israel (ditto) (ditto) 9/11 [Motivations of the hijackers??] BushDoctrine BushDoctrine BushDoctrine BushDoctrine BushDoctrine BushDoctrine BushDoctrine BushDoctrine

Really puts Charlie's perspective (and inspiration) into focus, doesn't it?

Oo, interesting: It would seem that at least one of the Charlie Gibsons might have been getting a little bit of that old-fashioned "help" during his interview with Palin.

I guess that means I can now officially bill his interview with her as Sarah Palin vs. All Of DKos 2008: Royal Stumble!


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