The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Your University Dollars at Work

As parents who work hard to put your children through school, would you be upset if you were to learn that the university into which you're pouring most of your hard-earned savings used it to promote anarchy at a political convention?

Yeah... About that money:

University of Minnesota staff were key coordinators of the recent violent protests at the Republican National Convention (RNC). The university employees are also members of the local clerical union of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees. The AFSCME is part of the AFL-CIO union.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again—Our university system, inherited from our ancestors' proud traditions, is dead. The shell of its former self that you see today exists only to grab your money and redirect it at ineffective social projects and Marxist indoctrination programs.

Of course, the handful of you that hang out here probably already knew that. ;)



#1 Ace of Spades HQ 08-Sep-2008
According to a tip I received on our new Red Acephone (h/t to Mr. Brian C. Ledbetter from Snapped Shot), low-level employees at the University of Minnesota were actively involved in the anarchist protests for the 2008 RNC in St....
#2 Rebecca 08-Sep-2008
Crap, it should be more than a handful, and I blame myself.

I followed a link from Ace here, but I already knew the way, since your site is the third from the top of my 40-50 bookmarked blogs.

I swore I wouldn't let what the AP did to you affect my loyalty to your content, but I obviously have. Damn them. I'm sorry Brian, because there has always been more to this blog than the photographs, but they were such a big part of your "brand".

If you ever decide to sue them for lost traffic, I will testify on your behalf in a heartbeat. And I promise that I'll be back more regularly too.
#3 Brian C. Ledbetter 08-Sep-2008
Shucks, thanks for the kind words, Rebecca! Glad to see you stop by again, and be sure to keep on posting. I've definitely missed hearing from you!

Incidentally, I'd prefer we not talk about how much the "photos" were allegedly part of the [i]Snapped Shot[/i] "brand," as that may rile up some of the awyerly-ay ype-tays around certain orporation-cays that we all love so much. I'd prefer that they stay nice and content over their way, and not bother with piddly old us—and besides which, I think we've found plenty of other ways to bring photo fun—along with our patented snooping techniques!—around these parts, restrictions notwithstanding!

Look forward to hearing from you more often,

#4 captainfish 08-Sep-2008
As one that has recently graduated again from a local university, I agree.

My university went from one that was student and commuter friendly, to one that is administrator and new-age friendly.

The university, after forcing eminent domain on over 2 sq miles of rental housing, decided to build their Athletic Village. Why? To put all facilities within one area.... so that the athletes dont have to walk a long way to where they need to go. I kid you not!

And, they shut down the through streets that went through the campus in the vein of protecting the students who are walking. These are people that are over 18... and they can't look both ways before crossing the street and that only a handful of people have ever been hit by vehicles over the life of the school.

Most accidents were from university vehicles and bicyclists. Now, all of the close calls are from the university-based buses. They come up and barely stop on the protected crosswalks forcing pedestrians to jump out of the way.

The school has also removed alot of the commuter and staff parking lots. Why? To create more green areas inside the campus. Now, staff and commuters have to park outside of the campus and take a shuttle bus in to the campus. Yep, even the staff (professors and workers) have to ride a shuttle in to the campus.

All this, after causing the rates of rental housing to skyrocket from their eminent domain acquisitions.
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