The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


I didn't have time to put it together when this post was originally written, but now, thanks to a few spare minutes in Photoshop, I am proud to present you with:

A Field Guide to Identifying Republican Women

If any of you have seen the photograph of Sarah Palin in a bikini floating around, be aware that it's a total fabrication.

Details here. (h/t Jay@STACLU)

Update: Could all of these smears be an orchestrated effort by the Obama campaign? Jim H. over at Gateway Pundit lays out some convincing evidence about some of them, at least.

SNObama 2008: Start the smears!

 Tags: fauxtography #Fact-checking


#1 William Teach 02-Sep-2008
I think you or I could do a 200% better p-shop in 15 minutes half drunk then what those lefty loons did.
#2 jcjimi 03-Sep-2008
For the love of God, she's holding a BB gun! This is obviously fake (damn)! If it was real she'd have a serious piece of hardware able to take at least a Moose or Elk!

Although, I [I]have[/i] heard she leaves the rifle at home and just throws bullets at her chosen prey.
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