The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Fatherly Advice, Maverick-Style

John McCain, offering some advice to the soon-to-be father of Sarah Palin's granddaughter:

Overheard on mic: "... and unless you want to spend the rest of your days in Guantanamo..."

I do have quite a lot to learn in the Ways of the Deathgrip, incidentally. Hopefully, John McCain will be elected, so my erstwhile education can continue.

Thanks, as always, to Bash.



#1 Kevin 03-Sep-2008
Best post of the day :).
#2 captainfish 03-Sep-2008
The evil step-grandpa!!

hahahahahahaaa.... "Son, let me give you a bit of advice. You screw up my chance to be President and I will hand you over to Barney Frank."
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