Reader Joey H. caught this interesting irony while walking to his class at a University down in Georgia this semester:
Of course, the fact that Marxist states throughout the world have a
long history of violence makes this all the more amusing. Sure, Marx
said that his theories of wealth and capital would be the introduction to world peace, but the fact that the brutality continued in each and every "Marxist" State sure does seem to belie his efforts. (Of course, I don't personally think that
war can be cured, but that's another topic entirely.)
As an added bonus, notice the quote over to the right, which was chopped off in the original. And then imagine what an
enlightening experience a semester with this gentleman must be.
“You can safely assume that you've created
God in your own image when it turns out
that God hates all the same people you do.”
(Anne Lamott) [source]
Joey, I highly recommend donating
some of these nice posters to your revolutionary friend. He's sure to enjoy each and every one of them!