The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


... Won't it gome back soon?

Well, while evil dictator Pervez Musharraf didn't face impeaghment, he did resign, so I'm sure that radical Islamists such as these, who insist on continuing to butcher the English language, will certainly be looking at good times.

Good times. With nukes.

Quite a delightful Monday thought.

Update: The brothers Tanveer strike again. One wonders how long the editors at both wire agencies will continue to put up with such wanton duplication of their intellectual property (even if only via family ties).

Prior Performances: Imperealist, Bycott Bycott Bycott.

 Tags: asim tanveer khalid tanveer AP REUTERS #YourProtestStinks


#1 abdul 18-Aug-2008
The letter 'c' is formed somewhat differently to the letter 'g' in the photo.

#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 18-Aug-2008
Haha, how about that—So it is. Thanks for the tip, Abdul!

(I still say it's funny, of course. I'm evil like that! ;) )

#3 captainfish 19-Aug-2008
So, who is Mushraf?

Is he related to the Mushhead who ran for president in 2004?
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